Hey there! I’m Blizzard, I live in the Netherlands and I’m an avid homelabber! I host my own services at home, and have a lot of fun experimenting with networking and self-hosting! I have several hobbies like cycling and I also like to code cogs for Red-DiscordBot.

I like quotes… here are some of my favorite.
– Unknown
Smart Enough to know better, Stupid enough to do it anyway.”
“Hurting someone’s feelings is as easy as throwing a rock in the ocean, but do you know how deep that rock goes?”
– Unknown
“It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.”
– J.K Rowling
I have a bigger list of quotes that I like here that I would love for you to check out. You can leave a comment below if you want to! <3